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Horizon Zero Dawn - E3 2015 Trailer| PS4

Horizon Zero Dawn - E3 2015 Trailer| PS4

There hasn't been this much buzz surrounding Guerrilla Games for a while. The first-party firm last truly dropped jaws with its infamous Killzone 2 demo at E3 2005, a clip that turned out to be staged. A decade later, the Dutch developer has learned a lesson or two – it always shows gameplay where possible for a start. Horizon: Zero Dawn, the long-in-development action role-playing release that's been rumoured for many years now, continued that trend at E3 2015 – as managing director Hermen Hulst anchored an outstanding presentation during Sony's big PlayStation press conference earlier this week.
You play as a young tribeswoman named Aloy – potentially a reference to the Eloi in H. G. Wells' classic The Time Machine. Civilization as we know it has long since wilted due to the onset of a grave darkness, and the world has been reclaimed by nature and machines. The latter are a mysterious race who have succeeded mankind at the top of the food chain, and it's down to you and your kin to not only hunt these aggressive beasts, but also to learn of the secrets that led to humanity's demise – all while discovering your own destiny in a harsh yet sumptuous post-apocalyptic world. A pretty spectacular premise, no?

نحن ننشرعلى أساس "كما هو موجود" في الاصل و لسنا مسؤولين عن تقديم أي ضمانة من أي نوع كان، سواء صريحة أو ضمنية، فيما يتعلق بتشغيل الموقع، أو بدقة المعلومات أالمشار إليها فيه (بقدر ما يمكن استبعاد هذه الضمانات بموجب أي قانون ذات الصلة) ولا نتحمل ، أي مسؤولية اي ضرر قد ينجم عن استخدام الموقع او عن عدم دقة المعلومات المتاحة فيه أو عن إغفال أي معلومة ؟ نرجوا منكم تشجيعنا على الاستمرار وشكرا لكم

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