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Charlie Chaplin | full animated series سلسلة رسوم متحركة لشارلي شبلان

Charlie Chaplin funny animated cartoon series for kids presented by DQ World. Charlie Chaplin, a global icon for comedy and humour, was one of the biggest stars of the 20th century's silent film era and known for his works like The Great Dictator, City Lights, Modern Times, The Kid, The Circus and many more. Charlie Chaplin animated series has been Produced by Aton Soumache, Mathanael Karmitz, Alexis Vonarb and Cedric Pilot. Original Music by Franck Roussel and Nicolas Richard. Directed by Cyril Adam and Julien Charles.


Charlie Chaplin animated series

Charlie Chaplin funny animated cartoon series for kids presented by DQ World. Charlie Chaplin, a global icon for comedy and humour, was one of the biggest stars of the 20th century's silent film era and known for his works like The Great Dictator, City Lights, Modern Times, The Kid, The Circus and many more.
Charlie Chaplin animated series has been Produced by Aton Soumache, Mathanael Karmitz, Alexis Vonarb and Cedric Pilot. Original Music by Franck Roussel and Nicolas Richard. Directed by Cyril Adam and Julien Charles.

نحن ننشرعلى أساس "كما هو موجود" في الاصل و لسنا مسؤولين عن تقديم أي ضمانة من أي نوع كان، سواء صريحة أو ضمنية، فيما يتعلق بتشغيل الموقع، أو بدقة المعلومات أالمشار إليها فيه (بقدر ما يمكن استبعاد هذه الضمانات بموجب أي قانون ذات الصلة) ولا نتحمل ، أي مسؤولية اي ضرر قد ينجم عن استخدام الموقع او عن عدم دقة المعلومات المتاحة فيه أو عن إغفال أي معلومة ؟ نرجوا منكم تشجيعنا على الاستمرار وشكرا لكم

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