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Fastest tortoise - Guinness World Records اسرع سلحفاة رقم جينس القياسي العالمي

Fastest tortoise - Guinness World Records

Bertie ‘the speedster’ tortoise has clocked the fastest time by a tortoise to enter the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS 2016 book by recording 0.28 metres per second (0.92 ft/s). Full story: http://bit.ly/GWR2016-Bertie

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Since setting a new Guinness World Records title, Bertie has become quite a celebrity and very popular with visitors. He now lives in a luxury enclosure with his girlfriend Shelly and his Guinness World Records certificate proudly displayed on the wall.

The greatest speed achieved by a tortoise is 0.28 m/s (0.92 ft/s) and was achieved by Bertie at Adventure Valley, Brasside, UK on 9 July 2014.

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