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Easy Eyes n' Face Makeup Tutorial | ft. Vanity Planet Makeup Brushes

Easy Eyes n' Face Makeup Tutorial | ft. Vanity Planet Makeup Brushes

Hello creatures

Sorry the sun wanted to play hide and seek with my positive attitude today. What can ya do you am I right.

Again you know me. I wouldn't recommend something I don't like or wouldn't use.

Yes these brushes are vegan and are very very good. Especially the eyebrow brush. I didn't show all my eyebrows because yeah I'm still learning how to do them and they me 12 hours to do.... But I still wanted you to see I used this brush and I honestly like it a little bit better than all the other brushes I've been using.

BUT. Yes. Fun fact. Was 100$...I'll give you a lil sum to make that less, I think That's worth it in my opinion!

Vanity Planet Makeup Brush Palette

Code for 70% off: sarak
Originally $100 but with code they are only $30

Face. Smashbox Studio Wear. 1.1
Airspun translucent powder
Cover girl mineral powder Light 1
Maybelline contour kit contour shade
Urban Decay Setting Spray.

Eyes. Smashbox foundation as primer
Lorac pro 2 light brown shade
Sephora Patone Universe Red shade, Dark brown maybelline Lash stiletto mascara Black

Eyebrows. ABH in dark brown. Brown tinted eyebrow gel

Necklace from for ever vente uno

I do not own any of the music played. NO Copyright intended. Just sharing your art.


Poetic Justice Remix. Jessica Domingo.
I hope you enjoyed.

Remember. Keep your mellow chill


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