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Wiley crying over Grandma

My wolf-dog, Wiley, crying at my grandmother's graveside at the cemetery 04/14/13
To add some clarification: I am not a vet so I can't say if he's reverse sneezing as some of you are stating. I can tell you that he has never done that before and hasn't done it since. I may be anthropomorphosizing his actions but its how I'm choosing to deal with loss, so deal with it.
Wiley is a therapy wolf-dog who is used to help veterans returning from war with PTSD. He provides therapy and care through Lockwood Animal Rescue Center and a program called Warriors and Wolves. They have many other wolves/wolf dogs that they've rescued and they provide a truly unique and valuable service. If you'd like to check out more about Wiley and the work he does please visit www.lockwoodarc.org
Also, for those stating he is dying, I promise he's not. We have a veterinarian on staff at the sanctuary and Wiley is just fine. Peace and love peeps

نحن ننشرعلى أساس "كما هو موجود" في الاصل و لسنا مسؤولين عن تقديم أي ضمانة من أي نوع كان، سواء صريحة أو ضمنية، فيما يتعلق بتشغيل الموقع، أو بدقة المعلومات أالمشار إليها فيه (بقدر ما يمكن استبعاد هذه الضمانات بموجب أي قانون ذات الصلة) ولا نتحمل ، أي مسؤولية اي ضرر قد ينجم عن استخدام الموقع او عن عدم دقة المعلومات المتاحة فيه أو عن إغفال أي معلومة ؟ نرجوا منكم تشجيعنا على الاستمرار وشكرا لكم

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