The Richest Kids In The World
top 10 of the youngest celebrity children with the most money! Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Description: To put things into perspective, every person watching this video is exceptionally lucky. Not only have you emerged on this planet as one of six billion genetic lottery winners amidst an infinite number of sperm cells swimming around, but you are presumably, given your access to a computer and the internet, living a comfortable, financially stable life with a roof over your head, clothing on your body and food on your plate. In a world filled with poverty, famine and an alarming number of people lacking access to basic essential resources, the fortunate among us enjoy the luxury of griping about #FirstWorldProblems while not being want for much. There are, however, a significant minority of folks who are in another stratosphere when it comes to luck from birth. Being born into a life of wealth and privilege means never having to worry about saving money or wanting for something that isn’t achievable simply by opening up the check book. The outrageously wealthy among us don’t trouble themselves with haggling over an extra thousand on a home purchase price, bumping elbows with other desperate Black Friday shoppers or poring through coupon flyers in the grocery store. Of course, exceptional levels of wealth from birth result in their own unique set of problems. Not that we are going to offer much sympathy to the trivial difficulties of heirs and heiresses to enormous fortunes, but it can’t be easy to retain any semblance of normalcy when gifted with extreme riches and living in a cocoon removed from reality. There was that famous T Magazine interview in 2014 that highlighted some of the insane, entitled ramblings of Jaden and Willow Smith, as the teenagers discussed things like time not existing, “prana energy” and cognizant babies being “shocked by this harsh world” while in the womb. The wealthy offspring of A-list actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have now become pop phenoms of their own without ever really being forced to confront the realities of the other 99 percent. Most of you would probably be the same way if you were presented with untold riches from as early as you can remember. The tots, teens and young benefactors of generational wealth and tremendous celebrity have grown up being spoiled by extravagant birthday parties, cushy international travel, chic, fashionable wardrobes and just about any toy, pet or object that they might desire. On top of that, many of these children are the product of famous celebrities or other notable public figures, meaning that they quickly become accustomed to a life spent in the spotlight. Surely, famous moms- and dads-to-be must look at instances of celebrity children run amok like Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus, the Kardashians and the Smiths with at least some level of concern. Still, most of us would happily accepted a life of unfathomable wealth as the pampered, indulgent sons and daughters of the rich and famous. Who knows how these 10 young offspring of some of the world’s most affluent couples might evolve as they get older. For now, though, the rest of us are left to revel in the awe-inducing, over-the-top glamour and privilege of these kids who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Here are the 10 richest kids in the world: